
Marieb Anatomy and Physiology

Human Anatomy and Physiology by Elaine Marieb and Katja Hoehn is the top selling anatomy book on the market. This Anatomy and Physiology textbook is on its eighth edition; previous editions include 1st edition, 2nd edition, 3rd edition, fourth edition, fifth edition, sixth edition and seventh edition. The eighth edition is the most comprehensive, accessible, and visually stunning edition on the market to date. The eighth edition of Marieb Anatomy and Physiology is the product of the most significant revision to date. These revisions were made in order to make the key elements of anatomy and physiology easier to read and understand.

The newest feature of this book is the new art program used to illustrate concepts. It is more vibrant and adds dynamics to the visual aids. These illustrations clearly demonstrate concepts explained. In addition, the book contains focus figures that clearly and concisely guide students through the toughest concepts in anatomy and physiology. Marieb Anatomy and Physiology has been updated to make it easier to study from. Concepts are clearly labeled and learning objectives are integrated into the textbook. New questions have been added to Marieb Anatomy and Physiology so it is easier than ever to check concepts. Marieb Anatomy and Physiology comes with a very extensive media package. This package includes tutorials, practice scenarios, and self-assessments to help guide students through concepts and success in anatomy and physiology lecture and lab courses.

Concepts included in the eighth edition of Marieb Anatomy and Physiology include an introduction to the human body, living chemistry, cells, tissue, bones, skeletal system, muscles, joints, nervous system, central nervous system, endocrine system, blood, circulatory system, heart, immune system, reflexes, automation, interaction of systems and more. Marieb’s Anatomy and Physiology is designed for those interested in the basics of human anatomy and physiology. It is appropriate for beginning courses.

Author Dr. Marieb writes this book from a perspective that encompasses the student perspective. She became interested in the relationship between biological anatomy and physiology compared to the clinical applications of nursing. This prompted her to go back and pursue her own education in nursing. When writing, she draws from her own professional experiences along with input from past students to develop a writing style for anatomy and physiology that is unique to her. Dr. Katja Hoehn has always loved teaching first, she has won several awards during her career as an educator. She has contributed to numerous books and wrote several research papers. She coauthored the Immune System module, the newest edition to the book.

Marieb’s Anatomy and Physiology offers a friendly, clear writing style in which concepts are explained, and key terms are defined. The textbook offers a perfect balance of physiology, anatomy, and clinical applications.

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