Introduction to Sociology

Sociology is defined in a broad scope as the of human social behavior. The college-level course, Introduction To Sociology, is designed to introduce students to theories and concepts of sociology. It is simply, the study of human social life, but delves into many subsections, any one of which the student may choose a specialization for a degree plan.

Sociology emerged early in the 19th century in response to the changing times. With technological advances of that era, people were increasingly exposed to various cultures and societies. The first sociology course was taught in the mid-18th century at the University of Kansas. Introduction To Sociology is now taught world-wide in most colleges and universities, with many offering online college credit courses.

The study, Introduction To Sociology, includes many subsections that include various cultures, societies, socialization and interactions, modern-day social groups, social class, sex and gender, race and ethnicity, and how aging affects sociology.

Other areas that are discussed in Introduction to Sociology can include family relationships, politics, religion, various cultures and populations, and urbanization. During the course of study of Introduction To Sociology, students explore what is normal and how varying norms dictate actions on a daily basis. Students are usually instructed to take part in a study of their own lives, reflecting on past experiences in an effort to understand why they make certain choices, both personally and as a society.

Introduction To Sociology courses also teach the history of sociology, and why people associate with other people, why some share the same interests, and where they are the most comfortable in society. The course also discusses racial harmony, America’s tumultuous history of prejudice, and the lack of acceptance between races that existed for many years.

In the modern-day study of sociology, teachers discuss an additional range of topics, including the
social processes that represent the breakdown of social structures, crimes and why they are committed, and the impact of divorce. The use of the internet in today’s society is an area that many sociologist study and use as a tool for research and discussion. Online communities, such as newsgroups and social networking sites, will no doubt, be a new area of study for Introduction To Sociology classes for years to come.

A popular textbook used for teaching the course is, “Society in Focus: Introduction to Sociology,” by William E. Thompson and Joseph V. Hickey. Another textbook staple found on many college campuses is, “Our Social World: Introduction to Sociology,” authored by Jeanne H. Ballantine and Keith A. Roberts. Many college libraries have complete sociology sections that include many resources and Introduction To Sociology notes. One popular reading continues to be, “Mapping the Social Landscape,” by Susan J. Ferguson.

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