Introduction to Linear Algebra

Becoming a successful engineer or computer science major takes great dedication and determination, as with any other major a student decides to pursue while attending undergrad. It is within these particular studies that the student must at some point in time encounter the class known as, “Introduction to linear algebra” . The class, Introduction to linear algebra , is designed for the engineering and computer science students. It studies vector spaces, also known as linear spaces, along with linear functions. It is the central modern mathematics of today. Elementary linear application is used to find the solution of a system of linear equations, in several unknowns.

In the  introduction to linear algebra class, there are plenty of textbooks that can be utilized, but the one that may fit best for instruction and teaching is the textbook, “Elementary Linear Algebra” by Howard Anton. Howard Anton has simply made the learning of elementary linear algebra that much more achievable by the availability and utilization of his textbooks. Because Dr. Anton made the introduction to linear algebrathat much more accessible, by way of which he has 10 different editions of his textbook, it makes it that much easier for the student to understand and comprehension and solutions to the different equations presented in the textbook is easier to learn and remember.

Howard Anton, author of “Elementary Linear Algebra“, “obtained his B.A. from Lehigh University, a M.A. from the University of Illnois, and finally a Ph.D. from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn,” all in the respective subject of mathematics. Dr. Anton was a research professor of mathematics at Drexel University, where he taught and did research for 15 years. Finally, he became a full-time writer of mathematical textbooks.

The introduction to linear algebra is geared towards undergraduate students. Dr. Anton’s textbook gives the elementary treatment of linear algebra that is suitable for a first course for the students. According to Dr. Anton, “the aim is to present the fundamentals of linear algebra in the clearest way possible; pedagogy is the main consideration.”

For the introduction to linear algebra , the textbook is available on WileyPLUS. It is an outside source, outside the classroom and can continue learning and practicing. “It integrates the entire digital textbook with the most effective instructor and student resources to fit every learning style.” (Anton) With WileyPLUS,studens can master each and every concept, which is available 24/7. The instructors are able to personalize and monitor their courses with tests, assignments and grade tracking.

In the textbook, each chapter comes with extensive teaching and practice for the students who are struggling, and need a boost. For the fast learners, although it is a “ introduction to linear algebra “, it can be extra practice for them. The students are also encouraged to purchase the “Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version, Students Solutions Manual 10th edition” to go along with the textbook. The “concepts review” helps students to review and prepare for exams.

Once the student knows that he wants to pursue a successful career in engineering or computer science, it would be ideal to purchase Dr. Anton’s textbook for the introduction to linear algebra course. Not only will it be beneficial, but it will aide in having an easier way to comprehend elementary linear algebra. With Dr. Anton’s expertise in the subject, the student has no choice to become successful in completing the course.

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