Glencoe/McGraw Hill is the most popular and highly recognized textbook seller and online resource center for all students and teachers. They cover all types of health subjects, concepts, and issues that people deal with on an everyday basis. They extensively cover all types of health subjects. Some of these subjects revolve around nutrition, different ways to keep your body healthy, and general physical fitness just to name a few. With all the different information available and at hand, students have no choice but to learn and receive excellent grades within the different subjects. Because Glencoe Health textbooks exist, learning about health and how to take care of your body the correct way. As new information gets added to the health textbook and various online resources, the student as well as the teachers will definitely be able to enhance their knowledge.
Glencoe Health was designed to make learning more exciting, innovative and rewarding. Glencoe Health also comes with an online textbook series so that the students would not only have access just in the classroom, but also have access at home or the library for “outside learning capability”. Before Glencoe health designed the online assistance platform to go with their health textbook, the textbooks were just designed to teach the student, with help of the professor, the minimal or basic concepts of health. But as the years progressed, online interaction CD’s were invented and included with the textbooks to give the student more insight and details to each subject discussed in the textbook.
The online resources first started roughly back in 2004. This is where the online student edition as well as a “Teacher’s Corner” was introduced to aid in extra teachings of the lessons and to provide extra practice for the students. Because this was successful, every year thereafter, Glencoe health designed more online editions to go along with the textbook, for both students and teachers. The success rate of this greatly increased making Glencoe health the most used resource for the students and teachers on all educational levels. The online textbook and resources date all the way up to 2010, which would be the company’s most recent publication. Included with the online resources are the Glencoe health lesson plans. The lesson plans reinforce health concepts with outside readings selected specifically for students. Within the lesson plans, the student receives teaching strategies, disscussion questions, and activities to help them better understand each health concept.
The health topics the students get to explore are health and wellness, living a healthy lifestyle, consumer health, nutrition, fitness, mental/emotional health, healthy relationships, growth and development, medicines and drugs, diseases, grief and loss, injury prevention, environment, and violence prevention. All of these topics are explored in-depth, and taught in a way where the student can know and be able to identify the different topics if they should need to be addressed sometime in their lives.
Because Glencoe health is the highly rated textbook and online assistance among students and teachers, its highly innovative and remarkable resources will always be used within education. Glencoe health is greatly detailed and it helps students on a day to day basis if they are stuggling with the lessons. Because the online resource was developed with different learning levels and capabilities in mind, students of all levels are able to expand their knowledge of Health and Fitness, even while outside of an educational institution.